Blogs of old…

Yesterday I found a cached version of the blog I started over ten years ago. It began on Blogspot, and they were kind enough to hold on to some of it all this time.

My first post was a little under a month after my father passed away, and was nothing more than a poem that I had written about his passing.

I may, in time, post some of my older stuff here as well, but below is what started it all.

A Gentle Breeze

Only the one among them felt the gentle breeze as it passed by;
And only the one heard the soft voices that that breeze carried with it;
And only the one lay down, closed his eyes, and slept.

But there were many whose laughter and cheer could be heard;
And there were many whose love and warmth could be felt;
And there were many who stood to welcome him home when finally he awoke.

And those that remain will mourn with a quiet sadness.
But when the tears are gone, and when the sadness has passed,
There will be the memories of his warmth and of his smile
And the feeling of a gentle breeze that carries with it the laughter of the one who loves them still.